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Success in Clifton

16th November 2020

Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) has refused planning permission for 39 homes on land off Pedley Lane in Clifton for a third time.

CPRE Bedfordshire worked with the Clifton Action Group (CAG) and local residents, who responded in significant numbers to the application, leading to a positive outcome for the community.

CBC outlined a number of reasons for their refusal which included:


Local character

The proposed development’s open countryside location, scale and layout would result in significant harm to the character and appearance of the site, surroundings and landscape.

The proposal would also result in the merging of Shefford and Clifton.



The development would not result in net gains for biodiversity and as such was contrary to both national and CBC planning policies.


Affordable housing

The proposed development would put pressure on existing local infrastructure and would fail to make an acceptable contribution towards the amount of local affordable housing.


Read CBC’s reasons for refusal in full here.