Helping you to spread the word

This page looks at how we work with local groups to help them raise their profile and communicate their campaigns.
When it comes to local campaigning CPRE Bedfordshire works closely with action groups and Parish Councils to help them achieve their aims. This can include sharing information via our website and on social media. We believe that empowering local communities is the best way to make change happen.
CPRE Bedfordshire Campaign Guide for Local Action groups
We have developed a guide to help local action groups that we are working with get started with planning and communicating their campaigns. We have also produced a two page guide to using Facebook well.
If you would like to find out more about how we can work with you please get in touch via
How can we help you?
If we are actively working with you CPRE Bedfordshire can share your content with our members and supporters:
- Website – this would usually take the form of a news item covering the key issues (from a CPRE Bedfordshire perspective) and linking to campaign websites and social media. See Greenwoods New Town for an example.
- Via our Facebook page
- Via Twitter
- Via Instagram
- Via our YouTube channel
- Via our monthly e-news which goes out to our members and supporters
Case studies
- Save Our Greenfields protest walks – this case study shows how we used our communication channels to promote a countywide series of protest walks.
We’ll keep standing up for the Bedfordshire countryside. Want to stand with us? Sign up now for monthly news on our work or join us as a member from just £3 a month.