Helping you to take action
This page is home to information which will help you to get involved with local campaigns.
When it comes to local campaigning CPRE Bedfordshire works closely with action groups and Parish Councils to help them achieve their aims. On this page we’ll share information to help you get involved in practical ways, including help on how to respond to planning applications.
All of the campaigns below relate to open consultations. Groups are listed in alphabetical order.
Save Steppingley Road Field
Planning application CB/22/04108/FULL – Land South of Steppingley Road Flitwick, Full application for the erection of 170 dwellings, including new access roads, landscaping, open space, SuDS attenuation and other associated infrastructure and engineering works.
How to object
Anyone over the age of 18 can object. They do not have to live in Flitwick.
Objections are made via the Central Bedfordshire Council portal.
Make sure you choose ‘object’ from the drop down box. The box you write your objection in looks small but you can click on the corner and drag to make it bigger.
You can read all the documents relating to the application online.
The closing date for comments is 14th June 2024.
Read more about the history of the site.
Suggested objections from the local action group
The developer has submitted new plans but in their view these issues are still of great concern:
1. Lack of infrastructure – Since this site was put into the Local Plan, Flitwick has changed. The post office and bank have closed, doctors and dentists are oversubscribed so local people have to travel much further afield for these services. The soon to open Older Peoples Village opposite this site will also add more pressure to out GPs and dentists.
2. Traffic and road – – Steppingley Road is already too busy creates noise and air pollution for residents. The narrow paths and traffic present a challenge for children and others to negotiate on the way to schools and local amenities. Traffic will increase once the Crematorium and the Older Peoples Village open and also the potential development on land next to the Older Peoples Village. The roundabout near Tescos is frequently gridlocked and Steppingley Road is an alternative route when the motorway is closed. We do not need more traffic or junctions!
3. Loss of Agriculture – Our country needs fertile land to be retained and farmed to produce food-related crops. This field is valuable BMV Grade 2 farmland – the need to produce our own food was highlighted following Brexit and COP 26, and by food insecurity issues as a result of the Ukraine conflict.
4. Loss of greenspace – We have already lost too much local Green Belt for the new homes in Flitwick and Ampthill, and the construction of Center Parcs, the Crematorium and Aldi. We disagree with the Government Inspector taking this land out of the Green Belt for new homes to serve the housing needs of Luton. Their report failed to prove the “Very Special Circumstance” required to release the land from Green Belt status. This field is important for many people’s wellbeing. We want to be able to continue enjoying this space, spotting wildlife and getting away from the stresses of life. This field is a habitat for wildlife such as ground nesting Skylarks – already on the Red list (i.e. at risk of becoming nationally extinct in our lifetime) – and Hares, protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981 and a Priority Species under the UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework.
5. Housing numbers – Central Bedfordshire Council already has sufficient land supply for housing and we don’t need any more development in Flitwick. The housing figures were based on the 2011 census so are out of date.
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