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Have your say on Luton Airport’s massive expansion plans

1st June 2023

Luton Rising (the Airport company) have now submitted their plans to expand the Airport from 18m passengers a year to 32m by 2040.

The scale of development and impact on the surrounding area is enormous.

The grounds for our previous objections remain- the plans have not changed much over the last four years. In particular our concerns over noise and air pollution, traffic congestion, carbon emissions, assumptions underpinning the growth and impact on the surrounding area and landscapes.

Because of the size of the development the application will follow a special procedure – a Development Consent Order and will be decided on by the Government not Luton Borough Council.

For more information on the Development Consent Order Process click here.


What can I do?

To make your views known you have to register as an interested party by Friday 23 June 2023.

The best place to start is on the National Infrastructure website where you will find all the documents relating to the application, a guide to the registration process and how to prepare and submit comments. There is also a helpful guidance note from the Planning Inspector.

There are many documents available on the website – you may find that the non-technical summary is a good starting point.

At this stage your comments on the registration form can take the form of a summary as there will be the opportunity to expand on these during the Examination. We will be posting our comments nearer to the 23rd June.

You will also find useful information on LADACAN’s (an action group opposing the Airport expansion) website.