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Dark skies

Four people stargazing silhouetted against the milky way

Starry skies are one of the most magical sights the countryside can offer.

Star Count 2023 will take place between 17-24 February 2023.

Your results from Star Count will help us make a map of where star-spotters are enjoying deep, dark skies. By showing on a map where light pollution is most serious, we can work with local councils and others to decide what to do about it.

Together, we can work towards rewilding our skies for the benefit of people and wildlife.

Sign up for Star Count 2023.


CPRE dark skies map of Bedfordshire


Find out how dark the skies near you are using CPRE’s interactive maps. The best places to spot the stars in Bedfordshire are to the north and west of Bedford – across the Great Ouse Valley.