CPRE Bedfordshire AGM & Talk 2023
On April 26th 2023 CPRE Bedfordshire members, supporters, volunteers, trustees and staff met on Zoom.
The CPRE Bedfordshire Chair, Martin Christopher, welcomed everyone and then handed over to our speaker for the evening. Chris Hinchliff is the Campaigns Manager at CPRE and spoke about the new campaign on rooftop renewables.
Rooftop renewables
Chris outlined the background to the campaign including the impact of the war in Ukraine, the climate emergency, the cost of living crisis, and the need to use land more efficiently. We also learned about the benefits of rooftop solar:
• Spares land for food and nature
• Can help cut bills
• Energy generation is close to where it is needed
• Good levels public support
CPRE are developing an evidence based case which will feature in a new report due out at the end of May. This will also contain key asks for national government and policy makers.
Chris finished by talking about what small scale green field solar developments can look like when done well, with community support and consultation.

Questions and conversation
There was plenty of time for questions and the conversation covered lots of topics. These included clean and sustainable supply chains, encouraging reduction in energy use, French car parks, engaging with developers, and Local Plans.
Do you know of a good local example?
We’d like to put together some case studies which highlight good rooftop solar projects in Bedfordshire. If you know of an example near you then please let us know via info@cprebeds.org.uk
Annual Report
Martin Christopher introduced the Trustees’ Report and thanked CPRE Bedfordshire’s volunteers. He highlighted our work with local action groups, Parish Councils and communities.

Thanks were given to Susan Lynch whose term of office has come to an end. Susan will continue to be involved as a planning volunteer for the Luton area. We welcomed two new trustees, Carmel Edwards and Andrew Jeavons-Fellows who introduced themselves to the group.
Michael Brooks
Tribute was paid to founder member and first Chair of CPRE Bedfordshire, Michael Brooks, who died recently. We have published a full tribute on our website.
New charity structure
Members approved the resolution to change to a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) This will take effect from 1st January 2024.