Hedgerow Heroes
A brief introduction to our Hedgerow Heroes project.
Reduction in the UKs hedgerow network – since 1945, the UK’s hedgerow network has shrunk by about 50%,and they are still under threat. This is because of direct removal of hedgerows, resulting from perverse policy recommendations and subsidies, as well as through under management, neglect and the effects of development. In addition, dominant hedge management practices seek to minimise workload and costs, often at the expense of hedgerows’ value to wildlife and to wider society.
What is the Hedgerow Heroes project about?
We aim to work with local communities to plant or restore at least 1,000 metres of hedgerow in Bedfordshire and to develop “Hedgerow Champions” who will continue to raise awareness of the importance of hedgerows now and in the future. We will also provide training to develop skills in hedgerow planting and management and opportunities for families to engage in hedgerow related activities.
What are we going to do?
- 2024 is the first phase of a three year Bedfordshire Hedgerow Heroes project that will kickstart an ambitious initiative to lay at least 3,000 metres of hedgerow in three years. In the first year, we aim to develop the foundations to take this forward.
- In year one, we aim to focus on hedge planting and working with local communities to make this happen. This will include recruiting and training volunteers to become Hedgerow Champions in each project area.
- Through action days, events and family activities we aim to broaden awareness of the importance of hedgerows and provide opportunities for people to connect with the landscape and appreciate the benefits of being outdoors.
- We will Involve the local community and volunteers, community groups and businesses and help connect groups to each other and with CPRE Bedfordshire so together we can improve our local landscape, biodiversity and contribute to net zero.
What impact will the project have?
- An increase in hedgerows in Bedfordshire contributing to climate change solutions, an increase in biodiversity and improved landscape for all to enjoy.
- Greater connection to nature giving a positive impact on mental health.
- Development of skills in hedgerow planting and management for volunteers.